multiple marriers

The Adventurer Personality Type 7

The Adventurer Personality Type 7

Extroverted, spontaneous, spirited and playful, Adventurers or Enthusiasts possess an optimistic, versatile approach to life. With a basic desire to be satisfied, people with this temperament fear being deprived. Discover more about this personality type and the part it plays in a relationship.

Understanding Basic Personality Traits

Understanding Basic Personality Traits

Having a familiarity with ourselves, which includes understanding our personality traits as well as our strengths and weaknesses, helps guide us in our relationship choices.

Brad and Angelina: What Can We Learn from Serial Marriage?

Brad and Angelina: What Can We Learn from Serial Marriage?

The recent separation of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie gives us some insights into the importance of self-discovery and learning lessons before moving into the next relationship.

The Four Horsemen of the (Relationship) Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the (Relationship) Apocalypse

Throughout his 40 years of relationship research, John Gottman has identified what he calls “the four horsemen of the apocalypse”, four behaviors that are key indicators of a relationship’s demise. This blog outlines these behaviors as well as how to avoid them. 

TV's Real Housewives Can Break the Multiple Marrier Cycle

The Real Housewives are real human beings with feelings and emotions, regardless of the fact that they may seem totally harsh and callous on television.  We shouldn't label and pigeonhole these women based solely on their pasts, but look at who they have become today.  Why focus on the stigma of their being multiple marriers? Instead, focus on what they need to do to break that unhealthy relationship cycle.